What can I say...I'll take my little cheap speed lights over mono lights any day. Not that I'd want to do this with either one but...which would you want to drag out to this type of location, knock over and have it fall off that cliff? the heavy mono light that cost $500-3000 and weighs a ton carrying it across that sand with a big stand and battery pack....or 2 little $75 speed lights and a couple lightweight stands. Ok the question is kind of rhetorical...the thing is however, we as photographers have been convinced that power is king and that we can only get those impactful, powerful images with an expensive moonlight. Well, I left my mono light in the car for this one...went back to what I do best. Here you have 2 Yonguo 560 III speed lights -bare, no modifiers...simple, cheap and effective.
High Speed Sync (HSS) with a single speed light
Recently picked up the Yongnuo 622c and having a 6D that has a sync speed limit of 180 before getting those 'black bars', I was looking forward to testing it out. The goal really for me was to be able to shoot with a pretty wide open aperture like F/2.8 to get a nice DOF while still using off camera lighting in the daylight. You can also get this effect with a ND filter but I wanted to go with speed lights. Below are a few examples from some recent shoots..all shot at least an hour before sunset so the light was actually still pretty bright out (and all shot with the sun behind the model)
f/3.5, 1/500, ISO 250
f/2.8, 1/350, ISO 160
F/2.8, 1/350, ISO 100